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- #! /usr/bin/perl -w
- # Defoma - Debian Font Manager
- # Copyright (C) 2000 Yasuhiro Take <take@debian.org>
- # This program is free software. You can freely use, copy, modify, and
- # redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
- use Debian::Defoma::Font;
- import Debian::Defoma::Font;
- use Debian::Defoma::Common;
- import Debian::Defoma::Common qw($DEFOMA_TEST_DIR USERSPACE $ROOTDIR);
- exit 0 if (USERSPACE);
- #defoma_common_init();
- $LIBDIR= "$DEFOMA_TEST_DIR/usr/share/defoma";
- $CONFDIR= "$DEFOMA_TEST_DIR/etc/defoma";
- $DATAFILE = "$LIBDIR/psprfonts.data";
- $DATAFILE2 = "$LIBDIR/psprfonts.data2";
- $CACHEFILE = "$ROOTDIR/psfontmgr.d/psprint.font-cache";
- $HINTFILE = "$ROOTDIR/psfontmgr.d/ps-hints.private-cache";
- $CEDATAFILE = "$CONFDIR/ps-cset-enc.data";
- $PREFIX = 'pspr1';
- $SIG{'HUP'} = \&exitfunc;
- $SIG{'INT'} = \&exitfunc;
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&exitfunc;
- $SIG{'TERM'} = \&exitfunc;
- $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&emes;
- @CHARSET_LIST = ('Standard', 'Standard Roman charset.',
- 'Special', 'font-specific charset.',
- 'Adobe-Japan1', 'Japanese standard charsets.',
- 'Adobe-Japan2', 'Japanese extended charsets.',
- 'Adobe-Korea1', 'Korean charsets.',
- 'Adobe-CNS1', 'Traditional Chinese charsets.',
- 'Adobe-GB1', 'Simplified Chinese charsets.');
- $CUT = '/usr/bin/cut';
- require("$LIBDIR/libperl-hint.pl");
- sub exitfunc {
- my $e = (@_ > 0) ? shift(@_) : 0;
- $e = 0 if ($e =~ /[^0-9]/);
- exit $e;
- }
- sub emes {
- my $msg = shift;
- print 'defoma-psfont-installer: ', $msg, "\n";
- exitfunc 1;
- }
- sub read_standard {
- my $lcharset;
- my $lencoding;
- my $lscharset;
- my $lsencoding;
- open(F, $CEDATAFILE) || return 0;
- while (<F>) {
- chomp($_);
- next if ($_ eq '' || $_ =~ /^\#/);
- my @list = split(/[ \t]+/, $_);
- next if (@list < 3);
- next if ($list[0] eq '');
- push(@STANDARD_LINES, join(' ', @list));
- }
- close F;
- return 0;
- }
- sub get_standard {
- my $acharset = shift;
- my $aencoding = shift;
- my $line;
- foreach (@STANDARD_LINES) {
- $line = $_;
- my @list = split(/[ \t]+/, $line);
- my $lcharset = $list[0];
- my $lencoding = $list[1];
- my $lscharset = $list[2];
- my $lsencoding = (@list > 3) ? $list[3] : '';
- $lcharset =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
- $lcharset =~ s/\?/\./g;
- $lencoding =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
- $lencoding =~ s/\?/\./g;
- if ($acharset =~ /^($lcharset)$/ && $aencoding =~ /^($lencoding)$/) {
- $RETCHARSET = $lscharset;
- $RETENCODING = $lsencoding;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub get_standard_list {
- my $acharset = shift;
- my @ret = ();
- my $line;
- foreach (@STANDARD_LINES) {
- $line = $_;
- my @list = split(/[ \t]+/, $line);
- next if ($list[2] eq 'ignore');
- my $lcharset = $list[0];
- my $lscharset = $list[2];
- if (@list > 3) {
- $lscharset .= ' ';
- $lscharset .= $list[3];
- }
- $lcharset =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
- $lcharset =~ s/\?/\./g;
- if (! $acharset || $acharset =~ /^($lcharset)$/) {
- push(@ret, $lscharset);
- }
- }
- return @ret;
- }
- my @HINTTYPE = qw(Family GeneralFamily Weight Width Shape PSCharset
- PSEncoding Direction);
- sub clear_hints {
- my $hashptr = shift;
- foreach my $i (@HINTTYPE) {
- $$hashptr{$i} = '';
- }
- }
- sub parse_hints {
- my $hashptr = shift;
- my $pattern = join('|', @HINTTYPE);
- my $i;
- clear_hints($hashptr);
- while (@_ > 0) {
- $i = shift;
- if ($i =~ /^--($pattern)$/) {
- $i = $1;
- while (@_ > 0) {
- my $j = shift;
- if ($j =~ /^--/) {
- unshift(@_, $j);
- last;
- }
- if ($i =~ /^(Shape|Weight)$/) {
- $$hashptr{$i} .= ' ' if ($$hashptr{$i} ne '');
- $$hashptr{$i} .= $j;
- } else {
- $$hashptr{$i} = $j;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub read_hints {
- if (open(F, $HINTFILE)) {
- while (<F>) {
- chomp($_);
- push(@HINTFILE_DATA, $_);
- }
- close F;
- }
- if (open(F, $DATAFILE)) {
- while (<F>) {
- chomp($_);
- push(@DATAFILE_DATA, $_);
- }
- close F;
- }
- if (open(F, $DATAFILE2)) {
- while (<F>) {
- chomp($_);
- push(@DATAFILE2_DATA, $_);
- }
- close F;
- }
- my @list = split(' ', $i);
- my %hints = ();
- parse_hints(\%hints, @list);
- if ($hints{'Family'} ne '' && $hints{'GeneralFamily'} ne '') {
- $FAMILY2GFAMILY_LIST{$hints{'Family'}} = $hints{'GeneralFamily'};
- }
- }
- }
- sub get_not_registered_font {
- my %list = ();
- my $psfontname;
- my @ret = ();
- foreach (@DATAFILE_DATA) {
- $psfontname = $_;
- $psfontname =~ s/^([^ ]+).*/$1/;
- $list{$psfontname} = 1;
- }
- foreach (@HINTFILE_DATA) {
- $psfontname = $_;
- $psfontname =~ s/^([^ ]+).*/$1/;
- $list{$psfontname} = 1;
- }
- if (open(F, $CACHEFILE)) {
- while (<F>) {
- $psfontname = $_;
- chomp($psfontname);
- $psfontname =~ s/^([^ ]+).*/$1/;
- if ($psfontname =~ /^$PREFIX\//) {
- delete($list{$'});
- }
- }
- close F;
- }
- @ret = sort (keys(%list));
- return @ret;
- }
- sub get_hints {
- my $font = shift;
- my $pscharset = shift;
- my $psencoding = shift;
- my $hashptr = shift;
- my $tmp;
- my @list;
- my $line;
- foreach (@HINTFILE_DATA) {
- $line = $_;
- @list = split(' ', $line);
- if ($list[0] eq $font) {
- $tmp = shift(@list);
- parse_hints($hashptr, @list);
- unless ($$hashptr{'Charset'}) {
- $$hashptr{'PSCharset'} = $pscharset;
- $$hashptr{'PSEncoding'} = $psencoding;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- foreach (@DATAFILE_DATA) {
- $line = $_;
- @list = split(' ', $line);
- if ($list[0] eq $font) {
- $tmp = shift(@list);
- $pscharset = shift(@list);
- $psencoding = shift(@list);
- parse_hints($hashptr, @list);
- $$hashptr{'PSCharset'} = $pscharset;
- $$hashptr{'PSEncoding'} = $psencoding;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- foreach (@DATAFILE2_DATA) {
- $line = $_;
- @list = split(' ', $line);
- $list[0] =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
- $list[0] =~ s/\?/\./g;
- if ($font =~ /^($list[0])$/) {
- $tmp = shift(@list);
- parse_hints($hashptr, @list);
- $$hashptr{'PSCharset'} = $pscharset;
- $$hashptr{'PSEncoding'} = $psencoding;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub input_ps_charset_encoding {
- my $font = shift;
- my $defcset = shift;
- my $defenc = shift;
- my $text;
- my $pscharset;
- my $psencoding = '';
- $PSCHARSET = '';
- $text = <<EOF
- Choose the PostScript Charset of $font.
- * PostScript Charset is just temporarilly used for deciding (National)
- * Standard Charset and Encoding according /etc/defoma/ps-cmap-enc.data.
- ;
- $pscharset = input_menu2("Input the PostScript Charset of $font.",
- $defcset, '[^ ]', 0, '<None>', $text,
- @CHARSET_LIST, '<None>', ' ');
- return if ($result != 0);
- if ($pscharset =~ /^(Standard|Special)$/) {
- $psencoding = $pscharset;
- } else {
- my $cmaplist = '';
- my $cmapfile = "$ROOTDIR/psfontmgr.d/$pscharset.cmaps.private-cache";
- if (-f $cmapfile) {
- $cmaplist = `$CUT -d ' ' -f 1 $cmapfile`;
- } elsif (-f ($cmapfile = "$LIBDIR/$pscharset.default-cmap")) {
- $cmaplist = `/bin/cat $cmapfile`;
- }
- if ($cmaplist ne '') {
- $text = <<EOF
- Choose the CMap of $font.
- * CMap represents the charsets, encoding and direction of a font, and
- * it is often equivalent to the FontName which the Family and some
- * Subfamilies removed from. For example, GothicBBB-Medium-78-EUC-H is
- * a font whose Family is GothicBBB and Weight is Medium. Its CMap is
- * 78-EUC-H, which means it is JIS-78 charset, EUC encoding, Horizontal
- * direction.
- ;
- $psencoding =input_menu("Input the CMap of $font.",
- $defenc, '[^ ]', 0, '<None>', $text,
- split(/\n/, $cmaplist), '<None>');
- } else {
- $psencoding = input_menu("Input the Encoding of $font.",
- $defenc, '[^ ]', 0);
- }
- return if ($result != 0);
- }
- $PSCHARSET = $pscharset;
- $PSENCODING = $psencoding;
- return;
- }
- my $S_CHARSET;
- sub get_charset_encoding {
- my $font = shift;
- my $pscharset = shift;
- my $psencoding = shift;
- my $text;
- my $charset = '';
- my $encoding = '';
- $S_CHARSET = '';
- $S_ENCODING = '';
- if (get_standard($pscharset, $psencoding) == 0) {
- $text = <<EOF
- In processing $font:
- No Standard Charset/Encoding is found that matches the pair of
- $pscharset/$psencoding in /etc/defoma/ps-cmap-enc.data. Choose the
- Standard Charset/Encoding from the following list of ones that matches
- the PostScript Charset.
- ;
- my $text2 = <<EOF
- In processing $font:
- No Standard Charset/Encoding is found that matches the pair of
- $pscharset/$psencoding in /etc/defoma/ps-cmap-enc.data.
- Input the Standard Charset and Encoding manually separating by space.
- If multiple charsets corresponds, separate them by comma. Encoding is not
- required to input.
- Ex.\) JISX0208,JISX0201 EUC (JISX0208 & 0201 are Charset, EUC is encoding.)
- ;
- my @list = get_standard_list($pscharset);
- push (@list, '<None>') if (@list > 0);
- my $ret = input_menu($text2, '', '.', 0, '<None>', $text, @list);
- return 0 if ($result != 0);
- @list = split(' ', $ret);
- $charset = $list[0];
- $encoding = $list[1] if (@list > 1);
- } else {
- $charset = $RETCHARSET;
- $encoding = $RETENCODING;
- }
- $charset =~ s/,/ /g;
- $S_CHARSET = $charset;
- $S_ENCODING = $encoding;
- return 1;
- }
- sub get_generalfamily {
- my $font = shift;
- my $family = shift;
- my %hints;
- my $ret;
- if (exists($FAMILY2GFAMILY_LIST{$family})) {
- $result = 0;
- return $FAMILY2GFAMILY_LIST{$family};
- }
- $ret = input_generalfamily($font, '');
- return if ($result != 0);
- $FAMILY2GFAMILY_LIST{$family} = $ret;
- }
- sub create_hintslines {
- my $font = shift;
- my $hintsptr = shift;
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $pcset = $$hintsptr{'PSCharset'};
- my $penc = $$hintsptr{'PSEncoding'};
- my $text = <<EOF
- In processing $font:
- Charset: $pcset
- Encoding: $penc
- Specified PostScript Charset/Encoding ($pcset/$penc) of this font
- is marked as 'ignore' according to /etc/defoma/ps-cset-enc.data.
- $font is not registered anyway.
- ;
- unless ($$hintsptr{'Charset'}) {
- get_charset_encoding($font, $pcset, $penc);
- return if ($result != 0);
- if ($S_CHARSET eq 'ignore') {
- if ($verbose != 0) {
- msgbox($text);
- }
- return '';
- }
- $$hintsptr{'Charset'} = $S_CHARSET;
- $$hintsptr{'Encoding'} = $S_ENCODING;
- }
- $hints = "begin $PREFIX/$font\n";
- foreach my $key (keys(%{$hintsptr})) {
- if ($$hintsptr{$key} ne '') {
- $hints .= " $key = $$hintsptr{$key}\n";
- }
- }
- $hints .= "end\n";
- return $hints;
- }
- sub new_font {
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $font = shift;
- my $pscharset = shift;
- my $psencoding = shift;
- my $hintflag = '';
- my %hints = ();
- clear_hints(\%hints);
- if (get_hints($font, $pscharset, $psencoding, \%hints)) {
- $hintflag = '--RegisteredHints';
- if ($hints{'Direction'} eq '') {
- $hints{'Direction'} = 'Horizontal';
- $hints{'Direction'} = 'Vertical' if ($font =~ /^.*-V$/);
- }
- } else {
- $hintflag = '--AssumedHints';
- $hints{'PSCharset'} = $pscharset;
- $hints{'PSEncoding'} = $psencoding;
- $hints{'Family'} = $font;
- $hints{'Family'} =~ s/^([^-]+).*$/$1/;
- $hints{'Direction'} = 'Horizontal';
- $hints{'Direction'} = 'Vertical' if ($font =~ /^.*-V$/);
- $hints{'Weight'} = 'Medium';
- $hints{'Weight'} = 'Bold' if ($font =~ /Bold/);
- $hints{'Weight'} = 'Semibold' if ($font =~ /Semibold/);
- $hints{'Weight'} = 'Semibold' if ($font =~ /Demi/);
- $hints{'Weight'} = 'Light' if ($font =~ /Light/);
- $hints{'Width'} = 'Variable';
- my $slant = 'Upright';
- my $serif = 'Serif';
- my $swidth = '';
- $slant = 'Oblique Italic' if ($font =~ /Italic/);
- $slant = 'Oblique' if ($font =~ /Obli/);
- $swidth = 'Condensed' if ($font =~ /Narrow|Condensed/);
- $swidth = 'Expanded' if ($font =~ /Expanded/);
- my $gfamily = get_generalfamily($font, '');
- return if ($result != 0);
- $serif = 'NoSerif' if ($gfamily eq 'SansSerif');
- $hints{'Width'} = 'Fixed' if ($gfamily eq 'Typewriter');
- $hints{'Shape'} = "$slant $serif";
- $hints{'Shape'} .= " $swidth" if ($swidth ne '');
- if ($gfamily eq 'Symbol') {
- $hints{'PSCharset'} = $hints{'PSEncoding'} = 'Special';
- $hints{'Weight'} = '';
- $hints{'Width'} = '';
- $hints{'Shape'} = '';
- }
- $hints{'GeneralFamily'} = $gfamily;
- }
- return create_hintslines($font, \%hints, $verbose);
- }
- ### ----------- register --------------
- @HINTFILE = ();
- @SKIPPED = ();
- sub com_register_1 {
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $ppdfileptr = shift;
- my $text = <<EOF
- If you have the PPD (Postscript Printer Description) file for your
- PS Printer, select the file. Otherwise choose Cancel.
- ;
- my $ppdfile = fileselector($text);
- $$ppdfileptr = $ppdfile;
- return $result;
- }
- sub com_register_2a {
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $ppdfile = shift;
- my $font;
- my $charset;
- my $encoding;
- my $hints;
- my @list;
- my $tempfile = `/bin/tempfile`;
- chomp($tempfile);
- push(@EXITREMOVE, $tempfile);
- system("/bin/cat '$ppdfile' | /usr/bin/tr '\\r' '\\n' > $tempfile");
- if (open(F, $tempfile)) {
- while (<F>) {
- my $line = $_;
- chomp($line);
- if ($line =~ /^\*Font /) {
- @list = split(' ', $line);
- $font = $list[1];
- $font =~ s/:$//;
- next if ($font =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]/);
- $encoding = $list[2];
- $charset = $list[4];
- $hints = new_font($verbose, $font, $charset, $encoding);
- return $result if ($result != 0);
- if ($hints ne '') {
- push(@HINTFILE, $hints);
- } else {
- push(@SKIPPED, $font);
- }
- }
- }
- close F;
- }
- unlink($tempfile);
- $tempfile = pop(@EXITREMOVE);
- return 0;
- }
- sub com_register_2b {
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $font;
- my $hints;
- my @list;
- my $text;
- @list = get_not_registered_font();
- if (@list > 0) {
- $text = <<EOF
- Mark fonts you want to register as installed in you PS Printer.
- Use SPACE key to toggle the mark on/off.
- ;
- $ret = checklist_single_onargs($text, 10, '', @list);
- return $result if ($result != 0);
- @list = split(/\n/, $ret);
- foreach (@list) {
- $font = $_;
- $hints = new_font($verbose, $font, 0, 0);
- return $result if ($result != 0);
- if ($hints ne '') {
- push(@HINTFILE, $hints);
- } else {
- push(@SKIPPED, $font);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub com_register_3b {
- my $verbose = shift;
- my $text = <<EOF
- If your PS Printer has other fonts that did not appear in the
- previous list, and you can input the name, charset and encoding
- of them, answer Yes. Otherwise answer No.
- ;
- my $font;
- my $charset;
- my $encoding;
- my $hints;
- my @list;
- my $ret;
- if (yesnobox($text) == 0) {
- while (1) {
- $text = 'Input the name of the font manually. (Courier-Bold)';
- $ret = input_menu($text, '', '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]', 0, '');
- last if ($result == 1);
- return $result if ($result != 0);
- $font = $ret;
- input_ps_charset_encoding($font, '', '');
- next if ($result != 0);
- $hints = new_font($verbose, $font, $PSCHARSET, $PSENCODING);
- next if ($result != 0);
- if ($hints ne '') {
- push(@HINTFILE, $hints);
- } else {
- push(@SKIPPED, $font);
- }
- last if (yesnobox("Do you want to continue registering?") != 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub com_register {
- my $ppdfile;
- my $verbose = 0;
- my $text;
- my $ret = com_register_1($verbose, \$ppdfile);
- if ($ret == 0) {
- $ret = com_register_2a($verbose, $ppdfile);
- exitfunc(1) if ($ret);
- } elsif ($ret == 1) {
- $ret = com_register_2b($verbose);
- exitfunc(1) if ($ret);
- $ret = com_register_3b($verbose);
- exitfunc(1) if ($ret);
- } else {
- exitfunc(1);
- }
- if (@HINTFILE > 0) {
- my $file = "$DEFOMA_TEST_DIR/etc/defoma/hints/defoma-ps.hints";
- unless (open(F, ">$file")) {
- $text = <<EOF
- You don\'t have a write permission in /etc/defoma/hints.
- Please become root and run defoma-psfont-installer again.
- ;
- msgbox($text);
- exitfunc(1);
- }
- $text = <<EOF
- # List of PostScript Fonts Installed in the PS Printer with Hints.
- # After modifying this file, run
- # defoma-font reregister-all $file
- category psprint
- ;
- print F $text;
- print F @HINTFILE;
- close F;
- my $text = <<EOF
- Done. The hintfile for PostScript Printer fonts is created as:
- $file.
- You can change the hints of the fonts by editting the file.
- ;
- my $command = "/usr/bin/defoma-font reregister-all $file";
- if ($NOOUTPUT) {
- infobox("Registering fonts...");
- system("$command > /dev/null 2>&1");
- msgbox($text);
- } else {
- print "Registering fonts...\n";
- system($command);
- print $text;
- }
- } else {
- if ($NOOUTPUT) {
- msgbox("No font gets registered. ");
- } else {
- print("No font gets registered. ");
- }
- }
- }
- sub note {
- my $text = <<EOF
- defoma-psfont-installer is a tool to register PostScript fonts
- installed in a PostScript printer to Defoma. It is strongly
- recommended for you to have the PPD file ready, but not required.
- ;
- msgbox($text);
- return 0;
- }
- $DWIDTH = 70;
- $DIALOGTITLE = 'PostScript Font Manager';
- $NOOUTPUT = 0;
- $MODE = 'g';
- while (@ARGV > 0) {
- my $s = shift(@ARGV);
- $NOOUTPUT = 1 if ($s eq '--no-output');
- $MODE = 'c' if ($s eq '-c');
- }
- defoma_font_init();
- hint_beginlib($DIALOGTITLE, $DWIDTH, $MODE);
- read_hints();
- read_standard();
- note();
- com_register();
- exitfunc(0);